'It takes a lot of work to build a head-turning back. Fighter Diet founder Pauline Nordin shows you how to do it right with her High-Volume Back Workout. ► Shop Bodybuilding Signature Supplements: https://bbcom.me/2y6YX9d ► Premium Fitness Plans: https://bbcom.me/2y7dZMt ► Get the Full Workout: https://bbcom.me/2y7k9MD The sheer number of exercises included in this back workout may appear intimidating at first glance. Pauline Nordin is well aware that it might elicit this feeling. \"Don\'t let this workout make you like, \'Oh, it\'s so many exercises,\'\" she says. \"Because it goes fast. It\'s going to be done in 40-45 minutes.\" Nordin has never been a slave to orthodoxy, as discussed during her recent appearance on the Bodybuilding.com Podcast. But her methods and philosophies have been forged through two decades of hard-nosed training and constant experimentation. Each exercise in this particular workout calls for 3 sets of 10-12 reps. If you find yourself struggling on any given move, the Fighter Diet founder suggests going lighter. Just don\'t give up. \"You\'re going to see, when I get fatigued, I still get my reps in.\" Nordin advises that you use this program for six weeks at a time. She says: \"For example, do this workout every Monday and Thursday for six weeks, and then move over and do strength for six weeks. Then, you can come back to this.\" | High-Volume Back Workout by Pauline Nordin | 1. Dumbbell Incline Row: 3 sets, 10-12 reps 2. Wide-Grip Barbell Incline Row: 3 sets, 10-12 reps 3. One-Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 sets, 10-12 reps 4. Superset a. Assisted Single-Arm Pull-Up: 3 sets, 10-12 reps b. Assisted Single-Arm Chine-Up: 3 sets 10-12 reps 5. Machine-Assisted Pull-Up: 3 sets, 10-12 reps 6. Superset a. Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets, 10-12 reps b. Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck: 3 sets, 10-12 reps 7. Rhomboide Reverse Fly: 3 sets, 10-12 reps 8. One-Arm Lat Pulldown: 3 sets, 10-12 reps 9. Front Cable Raise: 3 Sets, 10-12 reps | Dumbbell Incline Row | Nordin likes starting with rows because they train the entire upper back. She also prefers a low incline and lying on the bench for lower back support. | Wide-Grip Barbell Incline Row | Trade the dumbbells for a barbell. The wider grip will shift the focus to the rhomboids and trapezius between the shoulder blades. \"Small changes, but still, it triggers different muscle fibers,\" says Nordin. Focus on keeping your chest on the bench; don\'t jerk your body or the barbell. It\'s about working the muscle, not how much you\'re lifting. | Single-Arm Dumbbell Row | Everyone has their own way of doing this exercise—including Nordin. \"You want to keep your shoulders square and just lift one side up as high as you can,\" she says. \"Pull the dumbbell toward your hip, not toward your shoulder.\" This direction will tax the lats more than the biceps. | Bodybuilding.com Signature Stacks | ► Signature Beginner Stack: https://bbcom.me/2yb6V18 ► Signature Muscle Building Stack: https://bbcom.me/2y7q8RE ► Signature Pre/Post Stack: https://bbcom.me/2y71oJ0 | Bodybuilding.com Signature Supplements & Clothing | ► Signature 100% Whey Isolate: https://bbcom.me/2y7kyP9 ► Signature 100% Whey Protein: https://bbcom.me/2ybZxCN ► Signature Amino Plus Energy: https://bbcom.me/2y8lgve ► Signature BCAA: https://bbcom.me/2y8lN0c ► Signature Casein: https://bbcom.me/2y8lGBO ► Signature Creatine Monohydrate: http://bbcom.me/2EnQxw8 ► Signature Fish Oil: http://bbcom.me/2EphOi1 ► Signature Green Tea: http://bbcom.me/2EpFIda ► Signature Joint Support: http://bbcom.me/2FrEWwK ► Signature L-Carnitine: http://bbcom.me/2FpAL4n ► Signature Mass Gainer: https://bbcom.me/2y6vYmg ► Signature Micronized Glutamine: http://bbcom.me/2FpB8Mj ► Signature Pre Workout: https://bbcom.me/2yaEws7 ► Signature Test Booster: https://bbcom.me/2y7eAOd ► Bodybuilding.com Clothing: https://bbcom.me/2y978SN ============================================= | Follow Us | ► Twitch: http://bit.ly/2q1dttE ► YouTube: http://bit.ly/1RSJFa4 ► Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1lomhpr ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/1LzBxab ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/1RSJQlL ► Google+: http://bit.ly/1NRe8qu ► Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1OOZgY4 ► Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1NRebm0 We are Bodybuilding.com. Your transformation is our passion. We are your personal trainer, your nutritionist, your supplement expert, your lifting partner, your support group. We provide the technology, tools and products you need to burn fat, build muscle and become your best self.'
Tags: how to , Women , fitness , Workout , gym , motivation , exercise , bodybuilding , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , lose weight , build muscle , back , workout for women , hypertrophy , lose fat , lats , back exercises , back workouts , best back workout , back bodybuilding workout , workout for back , back training bodybuilding , back training workout , workout lats , muscle-building , Pauline Nordin , Fighter Diet , high volume back workout , high volume workout , Pauline Nordin Workout , pauline nordin motivation
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